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热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门





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来源:http://www.jiahuawenti.cn 日期:2024-03-10 发布人:
手动操作: 防火卷帘门可以设计为手动操作,通过手摇把或拉绳等装置,由人工进行开启和关闭。这种方式适用于小型门或紧急情况下的手动操作。
Manual operation: The fireproof rolling shutter door can be designed for manual operation, which can be opened and closed manually through devices such as hand cranks or pull ropes. This method is suitable for manual operation of small doors or in emergency situations.
电动操作: 大多数防火卷帘门采用电动操作,配备电机和控制系统,通过按钮、遥控器或自动感应器进行开启和关闭。电动操作提供了更便捷、迅速的方式,适用于大型门或需要频繁使用的场所。
Electric operation: Most fire-resistant rolling shutter doors are electrically operated and equipped with motors and control systems, which can be opened and closed through buttons, remote controls, or automatic sensors. Electric operation provides a more convenient and rapid way, suitable for large doors or places that require frequent use.
紧急手动开启: 在紧急情况下,防火卷帘门通常设计有手动开启装置,例如手摇把、紧急开关或应急手柄,以便在电力故障或其他紧急情况下手动操作。
Emergency manual opening: In emergency situations, fireproof rolling shutter doors are usually designed with manual opening devices, such as hand cranks, emergency switches, or emergency handles, to be manually operated in case of power failure or other emergency situations.
火灾自动触发: 部分防火卷帘门配置有火灾探测系统,当探测到火灾信号时,门会自动触发关闭,以防止火势扩散。这种方式通常与建筑的火灾自动灭火系统相协调使用。
Automatic fire triggering: Some fire-resistant rolling shutter doors are equipped with fire detection systems. When a fire signal is detected, the door will automatically trigger closure to prevent the spread of the fire. This method is usually coordinated with the automatic fire extinguishing system of buildings.
定时控制: 有些防火卷帘门可以设置定时开启和关闭,根据需要预定每天的开启和关闭时间,提高门的使用灵活性。
Timed control: Some fireproof rolling shutter doors can be set to open and close at a fixed time, and the daily opening and closing time can be scheduled as needed to improve the flexibility of the door's use.
The specific method used depends on the purpose of the building, design requirements, safety regulations, and the needs of the owner. When choosing the opening and closing method of fireproof rolling shutter doors, safety, reliability, and convenience of operation need to be considered. It is recommended to consult a professional fire engineer or architectural designer during the design and installation phase to ensure that the operation of Jiangsu fireproof rolling shutter doors complies with relevant regulations and standards, and can meet practical needs.

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