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热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门





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来源:http://www.jiahuawenti.cn 日期:2023-12-14 发布人:

1. 检查电源和电路:检查电卷帘门的电源是否正常,并检查电路连接是否松动或短路。使用万用表或电压表测量电源电压是否稳定。

1. Check the power supply and circuit: First, check if the power supply of the electric roller shutter door is normal, and check if the circuit connection is loose or short circuited. Use a multimeter or voltmeter to measure whether the power supply voltage is stable.


Jinan roller shutter door manufacturer

2. 检查电机本身:如果电源和电路正常,可能是电机本身出现故障。可以通过以下步骤进行检查:

2. Check the motor itself: If the power supply and circuit are normal, it may be a malfunction of the motor itself. The following steps can be used for inspection:


a. 检查电机是否正常运转:将电机直接连接到电源上,观察电机是否能够正常转动。如果不能转动,可能是电机内部损坏,需要更换电机。

a. Check if the motor is running properly: Connect the motor directly to the power supply and observe if the motor can rotate normally. If it cannot rotate, it may be due to internal damage to the motor, which needs to be replaced.

b. 检查电机绕组和碳刷:拆开电机外壳,检查电机绕组是否有断裂或烧坏的情况。同时检查电机的碳刷是否磨损严重,需要更换。

b. Check the motor winding and carbon brush: Remove the motor casing and check if the motor winding is broken or burnt out. At the same time, check if the carbon brush of the motor is severely worn and needs to be replaced.

3. 检查控制器和开关:如果电机本身正常,可能是控制器或开关故障导致电机不能正常工作。可以通过以下步骤进行检查:

3. Check the controller and switch: If the motor itself is normal, it may be due to a malfunction in the controller or switch that prevents the motor from working properly. The following steps can be used for inspection:

a. 检查控制器是否工作正常:使用万用表或电压表检查控制器输入输出端口的电压是否正常。如果没有电压输出或输入不稳定,可能是控制器故障,需要更换。

a. Check if the controller is working properly: Use a multimeter or voltmeter to check if the voltage at the input and output ports of the controller is normal. If there is no voltage output or unstable input, it may be a controller malfunction that needs to be replaced.

b. 检查开关是否正常:检查门的开关是否有松动或损坏情况。可以使用万用表进行导通测试,确保开关正常工作。

b. Check if the switch is normal: Check if the door switch is loose or damaged. A multimeter can be used for conductivity testing to ensure that the switch is working properly.


If the above methods still cannot solve the problem, it is recommended to contact specialized maintenance personnel for inspection and maintenance.

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