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热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门





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来源:http://www.jiahuawenti.cn 日期:2023-01-03 发布人:
The fireproof rolling shutter door is widely used in the fire partition area of industrial and civil buildings, which can effectively prevent the spread of fire and ensure the safety of life and property. It is an indispensable fire prevention facility in modern buildings. What are the control requirements for the use of fire rolling shutter doors? Jinan roller shutter door manufacturer explains to you.
1. The lifting of fire shutter shall be controlled by fire shutter controller.
2. The linkage control design of the fire shutter set on the evacuation exit shall meet the following requirements:
1) Linkage control mode: the alarm signal of any two independent smoke fire detectors or any smoke fire detector specially used for linkage fire shutter in the fire compartment shall be linked to control the fire shutter to descend to 1.8m from the floor; The alarm signal of any temperature fire detector specially used for linkage fire shutter shall be linked to control the fire shutter to descend to the floor; At least 2 heat fire detectors specially used for linkage fire shutter shall be set within 0.5m~5m from either side of the shutter to the depth of the shutter.
2) In manual control mode, the lifting and lowering of the fire shutter shall be controlled by the manual control buttons set at both sides of the fire shutter.
Note: The fire roller shutter set on the evacuation exit is mainly used for smoke prevention, personnel evacuation and fire separation, so it requires a two-step landing mode.
The alarm signal of any two smoke detectors in the fire compartment or any smoke fire detector specially used for linkage of the fire shutter controls the fire shutter to drop to 1.8m from the floor. This is to ensure that the fire shutter can act in time to prevent smoke and prevent smoke from spreading through this process, which can not only prevent smoke but also ensure personnel evacuation.
The action of the temperature sensing fire detector indicates that the fire has spread to this place. At this time, it is impossible for people to escape from this place. Therefore, the fire shutter is lowered to the bottom to play the role of fire separation.
3. The linkage control design of the fire shutter set on the non evacuation exit shall meet the following requirements:
1) In linkage control mode, the alarm signal of any two independent fire detectors in the fire compartment where the fire shutter is located shall be used as the linkage trigger signal for the fire shutter to descend, and the fire shutter shall be controlled to descend directly to the floor.
2) For manual control mode, the manual control buttons set at both sides of the fire shutter shall control the lifting and lowering of the fire shutter, and the fire linkage controller in the fire control room shall be able to manually control the lowering of the fire shutter.
Note: Most of the fire rolling shutters set on non evacuation corridors are only used for fire separation of buildings. The fire rolling shutters set between floors in the corridors of the building sharing hall do not have evacuation functions and are only used for fire separation. Therefore, the alarm signals of two independent fire detectors set in the fire compartment where the fire shutter is located can be linked to control the fire shutter to descend to the floor in one step.
4. The action signal of the fire shutter descending to 1.8m from the floor and the alarm signal of the smoke and temperature detectors directly connected to the fire shutter controller shall be fed back to the fire linkage controller.
the fireproof rolling shutter door plays the role of fire prevention and fire separation. the product is flat and beautiful in appearance, novel in shape and strong in rigidity. it has been used in many scenes. you can contact us at any time if you need it http://www.jiahuawenti.cn !

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