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热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门





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来源:http://www.jiahuawenti.cn 日期:2022-03-31 发布人:
  In the process of daily use of rolling shutter doors, due to the influence of factors such as the outside world or improper operation, it is inevitable to encounter some fault problems. So how to deal with the phenomenon of sliding shutter door? Let's analyze it.
  Rolling shutter door long-term use will produce a lot of dirt, if not timely treatment will reduce the speed of rolling shutter door, so the manufacturer requires the user to smear special lubricant on the moving bearing to maintain its elasticity, but there are often many at this time, the novice does not know how to evenly distribute the lubricant each time.
  Too much lubricant will solidify on the blade, which will cause skidding, so it should be cleaned by cleaning method at this time. In addition, the slip fault may also be due to loose components in the curtain, then we should adjust the spring, control the electromagnetic pressure index, to avoid the instability of the curtain. At this point, you need to clean the dirt with gasoline, while keeping the cleanliness of the workbench.
  Ji 'nan rolling shutter door factory believes that more consideration should be given to the choice of materials. Lightweight, rugged materials provide a high degree of protection even in exceptional circumstances. The selection of rolling shutter door motor is also a more important part. Remember not to feel that the lifting force is not enough, because the carrying capacity of the rolling shutter door motor will gradually reduce the actual lifting effect with the passage of time, so try to choose materials. Greater than the actual lifting force of the curtain. Pedestrians and runners are strictly prohibited when the curtain is opened and closed, because the curtain is connected by connecting pieces when it is opened and closed, there is a certain danger, so try not to let anyone run when the curtain is started.
we should pay attention to many details when using the rolling shutter door, such as: in the process of operation, the operating staff shall not leave the operation site without authorization; emergency measures should be taken immediately once abnormal conditions are found in the process of use; regular maintenance rail system, and do a good job of maintenance documentation. and so on. for more information, visit http://www.jiahuawenti.cn!

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