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热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门





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来源:http://www.jiahuawenti.cn 日期:2022-02-10 发布人:
一、清码,卷帘门遥控器接收模块上面会有一个白色或者黑色的按键,这个按键就是学习 来键,在通电的情况下,按下这个学习键,此时学习键旁的学习指示灯亮起,等它闪两下熄灭之后,松开手。卷拉门遥控器如何配对。
1、 When clearing the code, there will be a white or black key on the receiving module of the remote controller of the rolling shutter door. This key is the learning key. When the power is on, press this learning key. At this time, the learning indicator light next to the learning key lights up. After it flashes twice and goes out, release your hand. How to pair the remote control of the rolling door.
How to code the remote control of rolling shutter door
2、 Code matching: after the code is cleared successfully, press the learning key again. At this time, the learning indicator light is on, and then press the key on the handle. At this time, the learning indicator light will flash for 5 times, and then go out, indicating that the code matching of the rolling shutter door remote control is successful!
卷帘门是以多“关节”活动的门片串联在一起,在 自固定的滑道内,以门上方卷轴为转动实现开关的门。适用于商业门面、车库、、医院、厂矿企业等公共场所或住宅。尤其是门洞较大,不便安装地面门体的地方起到方便、快捷开启作用。如用于车库门、防火卷帘门飞机库门。
The rolling shutter door is a door with multiple "joint" movable door pieces connected in series, which can be opened and closed in a self-fixed slideway with the roller above the door as the center. It is suitable for commercial facade, garage, shopping mall, hospital, factory and mining enterprises and other public places or residences. Especially where the door opening is large and it is inconvenient to install the ground door body, it plays a convenient and fast opening role. For example, it is used for garage door, shopping mall fire shutter door and aircraft hangar door.
无线电遥控器(RF Remote Control)是利用无线电信号对远方的各种机构进行控制的遥控设备。这些信号被远方的接收设备接收后,可以指令或驱动其它各种相应的机械或者电子设备,去完成各种操作,如闭合电路、移动手柄、开动电机,之后再由这些机械进行需要的操作。
Radio remote control (RF remote control) is a remote control device that uses radio signals to control various remote mechanisms. After these signals are received by the remote receiving equipment, they can command or drive other corresponding mechanical or electronic equipment to complete various operations, such as closing the circuit, moving the handle and starting the motor, and then these machines can carry out the required operations.
As a kind of remote controller complementary to infrared remote controller, it has been widely used in the field of garage door, electric door, road gate remote control, anti-theft alarm, industrial control and wireless smart home.

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