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热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门





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来源:http://www.jiahuawenti.cn 日期:2021-02-23 发布人:
In urban streets and some... Stores, we can often see rolling shutter doors, because most of the rolling shutter doors produced by rolling shutter door manufacturers are beautiful, anti-theft, fire prevention, heat insulation and other effects, so they are more popular with consumers.
But in the use of roller shutter door often encounter a variety of situations, the following... Is our roller shutter door manufacturers for you to introduce some of the roller shutter door operation precautions, I hope it can be helpful to your use.
1. Check whether there is a pile of materials when the rolling shutter is opened and closed up and down. Improper operation may cause damage or inclination of the fireproof rolling shutter door. Special attention should be paid to the electric rolling shutter door. People should be at the scene when opening and closing the door. In case the curtain is inclined or the track is jammed, it should be stopped in time to avoid more serious losses.
2. When the door curtain is opened and closed, pedestrians and running are strictly prohibited, because there are very few uncertainties in the motor and transmission shaft. In terms of material selection, the store should also choose light and solid materials, so that the quality of... Will be greatly improved.
3. The selection and purchase of rolling shutter motor is also an important link, so the material selection should exceed the actual lifting force of the curtain as far as possible. In addition, the choice of the right... Is also a very important factor. Don't just look at the price, compare the goods and choose the business with high cost performance to cooperate.

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