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热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门





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来源:http://www.jiahuawenti.cn 日期:2020-08-06 发布人:
With the acceleration of urban infrastructure construction, there are more and more large public buildings and high-rise buildings in Chinese cities. This brings great convenience to people, but also puts forward higher requirements and challenges for building fire protection design. As a kind of scientific and beautiful fire-fighting facilities, Jinan fire shutter door is widely used in building fire separation. In order to give full play to the role of fire shutter door, better protect people's life and property, effectively prevent the spread of fire and reduce the losses caused by fire accidents, it is necessary to scientifically design and reasonably apply the fire shutter door according to the actual situation of the building and the basic characteristics of the fire shutter door, and ensure the effective function of the fire shutter door on this basis. Today, let's talk about the control method of fire shutter door. Hope to help you!
Jinan fire shutter door
1、 Control of fireproof rolling shutter door for fire isolation:
After the building fire accident, Jinan fire shutter door will be divided into two fire zones. For each fire zone, after the detector detects the signal alarm, it will control the rolling shutter door descending through the control module. In addition, the signal module will complete the feedback of the signal and the fireproof rolling door will drop to the bottom. At the same time, the descent signal will be quickly and accurately fed back to the fire control, and a series of corresponding measures will be taken after the fire control receives the signal.
2、 Fire shutter control on evacuation passageway:

Two groups of probes (smoke sensor and temperature sensor) are set on the left and right sides of the fire shutter door, and alarm devices are set. In this way, after the building fire accident and smoke detector action, the fire shutter door will drop to 1.8 degrees Celsius meters above the ground. In the temperature sense, the detector will act, then the shutter door will drop to the bottom, and then the closing signal and alarm signal will be sent directly to the fire control service area.
These are two control modes of Jinan fire shutter door. We should not only control the fire shutter door to achieve the purpose of fire isolation, but also control the fire shutter door on the evacuation channel. Through the above content, I believe you have a new understanding of the fire shutter control mode and more in-depth recognition, more hope to help you understand the answer you want to know, or do not understand and want to know more about the installation technology and maintenance measures of fire shutter door, please pay more attention to the update of our website, will bring you more relevant consultation Waiting for your visit.

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