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热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门





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来源:http://www.jiahuawenti.cn 日期:2022-10-06 发布人:
The manual rolling shutter door has the functions of heat preservation, moisture preservation, mosquito prevention, dust prevention, odor prevention, sound insulation, fire prevention, wind prevention, etc. So how to reduce the danger of manual rolling shutter door in use? Next, Jinan roller shutter door manufacturer will explain it to you.
1. When the manual rolling shutter door machine is running, it is prohibited to stand or pass under the door, and there shall be no obstacles under the door curtain.
2. When opening and closing the roller shutter door, no people, goods or vehicles are allowed to stand or pass under it, so as to prevent failure of travel switch, locking of roller shutter, motor blockage and other accidents.
3. Reasonable lifting speed can reduce energy waste and friction loss of transmission parts, and also help to extend the service life of frequency converter
4. Goods or vehicles whose height and width are greater than the height and width of the roller shutter door frame are prohibited to pass through, so as to prevent damage to the door rails and leaves, affecting the normal use and service cycle of the roller shutter door.
5. The roller shutter door shall have the function of stopping with the position during the opening and closing process, and shall not stop and continue to slide. If the sliding distance is greater than 50 mm, the manual roller shutter door control appliance and the roller shutter mechanism actuator shall be carefully checked and repaired immediately, until they operate normally.
6. When repairing and curing the motor of the fast door, it is necessary to ask a professional to be responsible for it. The power supply should be cut off during maintenance. Non professional personnel should not open the electrical box to prevent electric shock.
7. Regularly check the moving parts of the door body to ensure that the operation is not blocked, lubrication is maintained, and the operating sound is normal, otherwise it may cause danger to personnel or goods and affect the service life of the fast door.
8. The roller shutter door shall be closed in time after use, and it is prohibited to open it for a long time.
in case of power failure when using the rolling shutter door, what should be done is to press and hold the emergency stop button. then carry out the maintenance of the roller shutter door. if the roller shutter door is out of service for a long time, it is necessary to raise the roller shutter door to the limit position and disconnect the switch power of the fast door to ensure the service life of the roller shutter door. come to our website for more information http://www.jiahuawenti.cn consulting service

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